Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ice Age Floods Video

Seems to be plenty of video cameras pointed at Ice Age Floods features recently. Nick and I were in need of some aerial footage for a new project we're working on. Our friend Tom Tabbert was willing to help us out.

Tom Tabbert in his DTA Trike.

Tom Foster, Tom Tabbert, Nick Zentner - Quincy, WA airport. Sure was a nice day! Nick and I shot video for a "Coulee" show and another on "Ice Age Waterfalls". Tabbert got some nice aerial video and we found good food in Quincy, WA.

Nick and I have started shooting "2 Minute Geology" educational videos in recent weeks. We hope to have several posted soon. Stay tuned for geology talks by a guy with a blue shirt and red bow tie! I felt the need to explain tie in photo #2.

Tabbert goes through pre-flight checklist while I enjoy a spectacular Ephrata, WA sunrise - iPhone photo.

Check out video above!

Moses Coulee video by Tabbert.

Visit Tabbert's YouTube Channel

The map in this video shows Tabbert flight path during Wednesday and Thursday flights over Moses Coulee, West Bar, Potholes Coulee and Frenchman Coulee.

Trike carries four cameras. Bumpy air can lead to camera vibration issues. The dreaded "bug splats" will also ruin footage.

My favorite camera view is from Camera 4 (wing tip). Here's a Tabbert shot showing Echo Basin. That's me on the coulee rim.

Columnar basalt fly by - Echo Basin.

Tabbert near Island Plateau.

Three photos taken last spring (one above - two below)

Tabbert is able to haul passengers in the trike. I shot photo above while riding with Tom above the Clark Fork River. Here the view is into Montana ... This is the drainage that carried discharge from Glacial Lake Missoula.

Another shot taken over Tom's helmet during a ride-along (passenger sits kinda high in the trike - on top of the fuel tank). Here we're approaching Steamboat Rock in the Grand Coulee.

One last shot from "coach". This time on final descent into Grand Coulee airport.

"2 Minute Geology" video shoot at Dry Falls.

Nick describes the Ice Age Floods during September filming with the British Broadcasting Corporation near Frenchman Coulee. The BBC team shot additional Zentner footage at Dry Falls.

Filming Nick on Echo Basin rim (Frenchman Coulee).

Nick with BBC crew.

We'd all be getting more done ... but ... can't seem to put Bjornstad's new book down!

More Trike Photos

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