Saturday, January 24, 2009

Palouse Falls - The Meltdown

On December 23rd, I visited Palouse Falls and posted photos of the frozen falls on this blog. When temperatures warmed in early January, I made another trip out to the falls - What a difference 50 degrees can make!

I'll add a few images here, but check out Palouse Falls in Winter Part II at for more photos, large format video and streamflow information.

Snow and ice 18 days earlier. Starting to look like spring.

Video recorded on 10 January 2009. Palouse Falls and Kelly Underwood's jetboat is shown. Underwood launched his boat in the Snake River and navigated the lower Palouse River Canyon to reach Palouse Falls plunge pool.

Suspended sediment in the swollen Palouse River gives a clue to the color of Ice Age Flood flows.

Photo taken the same day from river level courtesy of Kelly Underwood.
A few days after I posted the Palouse Falls video on Youtube, I received a couple photos from the Jetboat pilot - Kelly Underwood (Dayton, WA). Kelly's second photo shows his boat with the Palouse Falls in the background. Click to view: Palouse Falls Jetboat.

Eighteen days earlier things sure looked different. Click to view photos and video of Palouse Falls Ice.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful site. This will be very helpful for my young family, as we're now exploring central Washington. Keep up the good work.
